3U, CompactPCI 2 x 160MBps Dual Ultra160 SCSI Hostadapter
The CS5-HORN from EKF is a CompactPCI® based Ultra160 SCSI hostadapter, suitable for attachment of LVD/SE 16-bit peripherals as Raid-systems, high performance hard disks and streamer tape drives. Provided with two independent ports, both channels can be dedicated to LVD devices, or alternatively one channel can be used to support mixed performance SE devices. The CS5-HORN provides up to 320MBps aggregate SCSI throughput. Optimum performance therefore is achieved when the HORN is operated in a 64-bit CPCI backplane, but 32-bit legacy systems also profit from the power of this SCSI controller. B The CS5-HORN from EKF is a CompactPCI® based Ultra160 SCSI hostadapter, suitable for attachment of LVD/SE 16-bit peripherals as Raid-systems, high performance hard disks and streamer tape drives. Provided with two independent ports, both channels can be dedicated to LVD devices, or alternatively one channel can be used to support mixed performance SE devices. The CS5-HORN provides up to 320MBps aggregate SCSI throughput. Optimum performance therefore is achieved when the HORN is operated in a 64-bit CPCI backplane, but 32-bit legacy systems also profit from the power of this SCSI controller. The CS5-HORN allows for connecting of up to 2 x 15 peripherals with 16-bit (Wide) interface. For flexible cabling, the HORN is provided with SCSI connectors for both internal and external use. All of the SCSI connectors can be used together at the same time. The dual VHDCI receptacle SCSI_X is mounted to the front panel of the CS5- HORN for attachment of external devices to the SCSI channels A and/or B. The HDSUB connector SCSI_I is provided for internal use (channel A only). Peripherals, attached to any of the SCSI connectors, are sensed by a logic circuitry. If the logic detects the CS5-HORN to be either end of the SCSI bus, the local SCSI terminators are activated. 8 -bit (Narrow) SCSI peripherals need an adapter (connector or cable) in order to reduce from 68 to 50 leads. The jumperless board is built around the LSI Logic (Symbios) SYM53C1010 SCSI processor. Being also compatible to the SYM22915 hostadapter board, the CS5- HORN can be used with all LSI Logic software (e.g. the Device Management System SDMS). Therefore, existing SYM22915 drivers for operating systems as Windows or Linux are valid also for the CS5-HORN.
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