XMC Mezzanine Module • SATA Storage • Dual-Channel SATA2 Controller & 1.8-Inch microSATA Solid State Drive

The DX1-LYNX is a XMC style single-width mezzanine card, equipped with a dual-channel PCI Express to SATA II controller, and one or two 1.8-inch Micro SATA solid state drives (SSD).
The SATA controller allows RAID or non RAID operation. As an alternate (assembly options) to the on-board drive(s), each SATA channel can be used for attachment of external SATA storage devices, either through the front bezel connectors (eSATA type), or via rear I/O (across the P14 connector to a suitable host carrier board).

As of current, suitable on-board mounting Micro SATA solid state drives are available with 64GB and beyond storage capacity, delivering sufficient space for installation of any popular operating system. A single drive will be mounted on the component side (side 1) of the mezzanine card (facing the carrier board when module is engaged). As an option, a second drive can be accommodated on the back side (module side 2, on top of the stack when mezzanine card is engaged).
Flash technology based SATA drives, both SLC and also MLC architecture, provide significant advantages compared to rotating memory solutions (aka hard disk), e.g. less power consumption, faster data I/O transfers, lower latency time, industrial temperature grade and superior immunity against shock and vibration. Nevertheless also a hard drive with Micro SATA connector could be employed on the DX1-LYNX, for potential cost savings.

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  • XMC single-width mezzanine card 149mm x 74mm
  • Stack height 10mm XMC to host

Simplified Block Diagram

DX1-LYNX Block Diagram
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